It’s another year and another reason for the American populous to branch out to the beaches, fill up their stomachs with insane amounts of processed burnt meats and fill the sky with fireworks. As I walk through around my neighborhood, all I could see are the red, white and blue American flags, that will be replaced in the coming weeks with flags from all over the Caribbean. These last few years I have really questioned why we as a country are so eager to celebrate the birth of our country when the foundation of the birth was based on lies, power, theft and death. Many times it makes me wonder what being an American really means. This country was built on the backs of those who could not defend themselves and when you even mention that fact, you’re bombarded with opposition from those who do not either understand our country’s past or refuses to acknowledge it even if it staring right in their face.
During the historic 2008 election which promoted a person of color to the highest office in the world, you saw a backlash from the conservative right declaring him anything BUT American. He was foreign born, he was a communist, he is elitist and doesn’t understand what REAL Americans go through… This is how the The Tea Party movement sparked the sometimes idiotic discussion about bringing this country back to what our forefathers intended. They built these grassroots rallies and marches funded by billionaires, promoted by a major conservative news network, hosted by out of work congress members, who used lies, propaganda and gullibility to woe the frighten masses.
Fear. The best element those in power can use to gain the trust of people who do not know any better. Recently, when Arizona passed the statue giving local authorities the power to demand documentation from those they have “reasonable” belief of being illegal aliens. It gives federal powers to local authorities to combat illegal immigration which is a issue that is something that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is suppose to deal with. I actual thought that something like this was a joke. That maybe, just maybe, someone would come to their senses and realize that this was wrong. If someone looks like they’re a certain ethnicity, when is it okay to assume if they are illegally in this country? It’s funny because many people like to pass the entire blame to the Obama Administration, stating that since the federal government is not during there job in protecting our borders then local governments has to do there part, I guess because no one wants to admit that the pervious President provided no solution in securing the southern borders even through that was one of the issues he PROMISED to solve during his 2004 re-election. Remember those, I will ban gay marriage, end the wars and stop the illegal speeches he used to give through the pulpits all over the southern states. I watched Karl Rove rant about President Obama didn’t care about the concerns of the Hispanic community, because he is only trying to secure voters of his 2012 re-election, something that Bush did might add, but then again Mr. Rove would obviously omit that fact. But then again many right-wing political pundits, like Karl Rove have used the blanket term of “terrorist” and “illegal alien” to invoke there base to rally for their cause since that’s the best marketing tool.
Do we live in a country were everyone is equal? I guess that is up for interpretation depending on who you are or where you live. It’s always obvious to me that we are not like other countries where segments of the population are in mental and physical chains, where people do NOT have the freedom of speech to speak about the ills of there perspective governments. Since September 11th, this country has redefined what it means to be free and at the same time limited what we could do and say. If you criticize anything America does, then YOU, my friend are not a true American. Many people do not believe me, which is okay. All anyone has to do is actually read the Patriot Act. It lays it out in black and white giving new powers to the government. Overnight, we allowed outrage and sorrow over 9/11 to give the Bush Administration the green light to help recreate the world for a select few to rule. There is a method to the madness. Keep the American public occupied with mindless drivel just long enough to enact law that strips way the rights provided in the constitution to the American public. The media will report the antics of vapid celebrities, while behind close doors dirty deals are being made.
Do you ever notice that we are always fighting a “them”. When you really think about it, it could mirror George Orwell’s Animal Farm. From the English, the Native Americans, the slaves, the Nazi’s, the Communist, the gays, the Muslims and even pirates… We have this “them” factor that is exploited by everyone in power.
Yeah, we are in the era of change but what has changed? As the years rapidly rushed by, the main political parties have passed the buck on what was the other guys fault while at the same time boosting they are actually helping this country through the hard times. The Democrats who used these “wars” or should I say occupation, in Iraq and now Afghanistan to their own political advantage this year more then ever. In 2006, when they took the House and Senate, they made a promise to put a stop to the Bush regime. Did that happen? Nope… Not one bit. After the Democrats took over the Congress and the White House, I wondered when in the hell they were going to enact make sweeping changes concerning the economy and future policies, but did they do it? At every given moment they while the debate of issues like healthcare reform would take place it became plainly obvious that there plan is to cower down to their GOP counterparts who found comfort in the minority. Think about it. They care just sit back and say I told you so if something goes wrong, while at the same time either voting down EVERYTHING the President has propose and not offering anything as a substitute.
Here is some home truth: 9/11 has become a lucrative cash cow. As awful as that sounds, it is very true. The right-wing media likes to down play that while at the same time promoting themselves as the ultimate in Americana. There are major companies who do not want to see this “war on terror” end anytime soon, because it is majorly profitable. Blackwater, Halliburton and most recently the oil companies like BP, who is poisoning the Gulf Coast as I write this, are reaping the benefits of it. The reason why most countries have a war is to have a war. In the end nothing is really gained, because waking moment this country is creating more and more enemies who are willing to fill in the shoes of fallen ones. Citizens in Middle Eastern countries are killed by the thousands and it seems no one in the United States bats an eye. Death begets death. Violence begets violence. The cycle will continue to repeat itself, unless something changes that.
Benjamin Franklin once said “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety” As this day comes to a close I want people to think about those words…